Friday, November 29, 2019

Human Genome Project Essays (985 words) - Genomics, Biotechnology

Human Genome Project Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international 13 year effort that began in October of 1990. The main objective of the project is to map the entire human DNA sequence. The project was planned to last 15 years, but rapid technological advances have moved the completion date to 2003. A rough draft of the human genome was completed in June 2000. Efforts are still underway to complete the finished high quality sequence. Many laboratories around the United States receive funding from either the Department of Energy (DOE) or the National Institutes of Health, or from both, for the HGP. Other researchers at colleges, universities, and laboratories throughout the United States also receive funding for the project. At any given time, the DOE Human Genome Project funds about 200 separate investigators. At least 18 countries have established human genome research programs. Some of the larger programs are in Australia, France, Sweden, China and the United Kingdom. Some developing countries are participating through studies of molecular biology techniques for genome research and studies of organisms that are particularly interesting to their geographic regions. The Human Genome Project Organization helps to coordinate international efforts in the genome project. There are many benefits and goals of the Human Genome Project. Rapid progress in genome science and a glimpse into its potential applications have helped observers to predict that biology will be the the most important science of the 21 century. Aside from its medical and scientific benefits, the development of genomics research presents U.S. industry with many opportunities. The Consulting Resources Corporation Newsletter (Spring 1999) said that the sale of DNA based products and technologies in the biotechnology industry are rejected to exceed $45 billion by 2009. One of the goals of the project is improved knowledge in the area of molecular medicine. Increasingly detailed maps have aided researchers seeking genes associated with dozens of genetic conditions, including inherited colon cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and familial breast cancer. Also, molecular medicine will benefit with the improved diagnosis of disease, rational drug design, gene therapy and pharmaceutical ?custom drugs?. Another area that will benefit is that of Microbial Genetics. Despite our reliance on the inhabitants of the microbial world, we know little of their number or their nature.: estimates are that less than 0.01% of all microbes have been identified. Also, expected benefits include developments of diverse new products, processes, and test methods that will open the door to a cleaner environment. Biomanufacturing will use nontoxic chemicals and enzymes to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of industrial processes. Already, microbial enzymes are being used to bleach paper pulp, stone wash denim, remove lipstick from glassware and break down starch in brewing. Risk assessment is something else that will come from the project. This involves assessing health damage and risks caused by radiation exposure,including low-dose exposures, assessing health damage and risks caused by exposure to mutagencic chemicals and cancer causing toxins, and reducing the likelihood of heritable mutations. Understanding genomics will help us understand human evolution and the common biology we share with all of life. Comparative genomics between humans and other organisms such as mice already has led to similar genes associated with diseases and traits. Further comparative studies will help determine the yet unknown function of thousands of other genes. Comparing the DNA sequences of entire genomes of different microbes will provide new insights about relationships amount the three kingdoms of life: archeabacteria, eukaryotesand prokaryotes. DNA forensics or DNA fingerprinting is another area that will be greatly affected by the completion of the project. Any type of organism can be identified by examination of DNA sequences unique to that species. Identifying individuals can be less precise at this time, although when DNA sequencing technologies progress further, direct characterization of very long DNA segments, and possibly even whole genomes, will become possible and will allow individual identification. To identify individuals, forensic scientists scan about 10 DNA regions that vary from person to person and use the data to create a DNA profile of the individual (sometimes called a DNA fingerprint). There is an extremely small chance that another person has the same DNA profile for a particular set of regions.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Leadership Strategy at the Marine Corps

Leadership Strategy at the Marine Corps Leadership Strategy at the Marine Corps Leadership has been defined as a process of influence where by a person uses others to accomplish and direct activities within an organization, in such a way that it becomes more cohesive and coherent (Wart, 2005). Leadership can also be described as a process whereby one person influences a group of people to achieve a common objective or goal. Wart, (2005), further argues that a good manager may be associated with good aspects of coordinating, controlling and directing of assignments, but fall short of motivational and encouragement skills towards employees. I work in the Marine Corps Department whose mission is to enhance quality of life in the Territory of the United States of America by working in conjunction with the public and within the framework of the U.S Constitution to preserve peace, reduce fear, provide a safe environment and enforce laws. Evaluation is of leadership at the Marine Corps department is based upon a leaders ability to have a positive effect on the administration. An effective leader in the Marine Corps department is evaluated against three key leadership skills namely: technical skills which require a Marine Corp officer to have the ability to perform the basic marine functions; human relation skills or communication skills are used at all levels of the marine department, which require a corp to have the ability to positively interrelate with other officers and the community; and the conceptual skills which are very critical to any officer, in that all officers should have the ability to understand information r egarding Marine Corps. Burns (1978) speaks highly of ambition as a pillar in the success of a leader, irrespective of the team or size of the organization that one has take charge. It is clear that the army has a vision; this in itself is meaningless if the team leader lacked ambition. I figure a scenario where in a few months under my leadership, I will report the highest growth in satisfaction of my team members. Self confidence plays a key role in ensuring I learn very fast the areas in which I have difficulties Heller and Till (1982) describes self confidence as a fundament element that enhances one to gain knowledge and skills that are vital in making key decisions as a leader. My team members are greatly moved by the level of confidence shown when giving directions or whenever they seek any form of assistance from me. This was further replicated with my seniors they liked the way I explained my ideas and none of them would deny me support whenever I called for it. It is very important for a leader to be a person whose level intelligence is unquestionable. It is the way one makes decisions when faced with different problems that his/ her level of intelligence is assessed. As a leader, am bound to be faced with cases that call for different responses. There is no any set of solutions to problems in life, and so is in leadership (Remland, 1981). It is upon the leader to critically consider the situation at hand, internalize it and then issue a carefully reflected upon statement in response to the problem. Honesty and integrity traits are very important for any leader who expects to win trust and support of the followers. It is common for followers to try their best to assess their leaders level of honesty integrity. The easiest way they use to establish this is by assessing the leaders ability to keep his/ her word. It is very important for a leader to ensure that before making any promise to team members, he/she should establish the ability to live up to his word (Kirkpatrick Locke, 1991). This is an aspect of leadership that earned me support not only from my team members but also the support of my seniors. They knew they could always count on me to deliver on what I promised. It should however be noted that these strategies alone are not sufficient to make one proclaim himself a good leader (Trevino Brown, 2003). I came to learn that indeed there is more than these attributes in the making of a good leader. Leadership skills In addition to the characteristics of leadership, knowledge and abilities proved to be useful to establish leadership at the army. This would always depend on the situation at hand. In order to effectively apply skills, I have learnt a number of new ideas. Defining and establishing a sense of mission proved quite useful. I set goals, priorities, and standards for my team. I communicate these objectives to all of my team members and ensure that each one of them clearly understands them. One thing that gives more encouragement as a leader is the realization of the talent that I have in my camp. I accept leadership as a responsibility and not a rank. I know that it was not because I was the best that I was the leader; it was solely because among the men talented members of the team, one had to be there to give direction. This gives me the free will to work with the talented and capable members of my team without having any fear of being replaced by them. Another strategy is that, effective leadership should not be confused in any way with being clever but rather an attempt to being consistent (Peter, 2009). This comes with the realization that no matter how much I read about leadership, at the end of the day, what is most fundamental is the ability to establish direction and influence my team members to align themselves in that direction.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Online Restaurant Promotions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Online Restaurant Promotions - Case Study Example offered discounts on gift certificates. Consumers could use these gift certificates at more than 9,500 participating restaurants. These certificates were available in variety of denominations and were distributed individually. had a simple, fast and free sign-up program for restaurants willing to participate in the system. Rewards Network offered incentives to customers if they dined at any of the company’s 9,542 affiliated restaurants. These incentives were given by way of reward points which were credited to customer’s credit cards. Rewards Network also allowed cash refunds and offered bonuses on the first dine. Regular users got VIP bonuses from the company. Open table offered round-the-clock reservation services for participating restaurants. The service was thus a substitute for telephonic reservations made by the consumers. Open Table created a database of the consumers which could be effectively used by the restaurants in their advertising campaigns. The internet provides numerous opportunities with respect to restaurant promotions. The restaurants can have their own websites as well as place their advertisements on other websites. The restaurants can have their own page that details the location, menu and reviews of customers on websites like CitySearch. The internet can be used to send e-mails to current and prospective customers. Restaurants can also attract more customers with the help of online affiliate

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Homeland Security - Essay Example As is always the case, individual rights cede way to national security concerns and not vice versa. While public order advocates argue that this should be the case, civil rights advocates gainsay this standpoint. The tension has been aggravated following September 11 Terrorist Attacks. As already stated, September 11 Terrorist Attacks serve as a watershed in the development of the tension between national security policy and the protection of civil liberties. As a way of responding to the September 11 Attacks, the US Congress passed the US Patriot Act 2001 on October 26, 2001. While the Patriot Act 2001 would serve as a strong instrument for waging the War on Terror, there were concerns that it was also a harbinger for mass violations of individual or civil rights. Particularly, Section 206 of the US Patriot Act 2001 allows Homeland Security officials and other security officers to use roving wire taps to provide law enforcement agencies with surveillance and intelligence. This move is a violation of the right to privacy which is well protected in the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution (White, 2003). Again, Section 215 of the Patriot Act 2001 gives law enforcement agencies the legal authority to access tangible pieces of details of American citizens and the rest of inhabitants in the United States. This is in violation to some civil rights that are enshrined in the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution. The Fourth Amendment accords US Citizens the right to be secure or safe in their person, areas of residence, papers and personal effects from unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fourth Amendment continues that these rights shall not be violated unless there is an issuance of the arrest or search warrant and/ or probable cause. This probable cause had to be in turn confirmed by the Oath of Affirmation. Section 215 of the Patriot Act 2001 is an affront to the right to privacy and the freedom from unlawful arrest. As if the foregoing is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Research paper about legalizing cannabis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research paper about legalizing cannabis - Essay Example rlands, cannabis is openly tolerated and can be both purchased and consumed in one of several Amsterdam ‘coffee houses.’ Inexplicably, the city has not been thrown into anarchy which, evidently, is what the opponents of cannabis legalisation are afraid of. The evidence demonstrates that legalizing cannabis would prove a benefit to society, evidence which is well-known throughout the scientific, political and public arena but this collective knowledge has yet to be acted upon. This discussion will examine the issue of legalisation drawing from European, British and American experiences. In addition, because cannabis is often associated with harder forms of drugs by legalisation opponents, it will briefly discuss plausible reasons why all drugs should be at least decriminalised if not made fully legal. A report created by Transform1, a non-profit UK drug policy think tank, demonstrates how criminalization of certain drugs has created crime, undermined public health and promotes social exclusion while proving ineffective in eliminating domestic markets. The foundation recommends instead a society in which all drugs are regulated and controlled through the use of specialized pharmacies and licensed retailers instead of black market street vendors and an uncontrolled clientele. The reason for this, they say, is that the war on drugs has led to an uninformed hysteria among the general population, an irrational opposition to less harmful substances, a spike in organised crime and associated criminal activity. By regulating and controlling drugs, Transform suggests that prison populations could be cut in half, considerably reducing the funds spent on maintaining and sustaining these populations. In addition, crime factors would be reduced as the primary activity of organised crime would now be regulated, crime wars would become obsolete and crimes associated with drug use such as prostitution and burglaries for drug money would be further reduced as the price

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gentrification And The Effects On Urban Development Sociology Essay

Gentrification And The Effects On Urban Development Sociology Essay Today, the urban development is vulnerable to the growing impact of gentrification. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the process of gentrification emerges under the impact of multiple factors, including economic and social ones and the process of globalization, which stimulate consistent changes in urban development. At the same time, the process of urban development leads to socioeconomic and demographic changes, provoked by the gentrification. However, possible effects of gentrification are still under-researched and the debate on whether gentrification leads to positive or negative effects persists. Nevertheless, changes in the development of cities are significant and force policy makers either to support or to slow down the process of gentrification. However, any attempt of policy makers to regulate the process of gentrification and, therefore, urban development confronts the problem of the interference of state in the process of local economic development. In such a situation, policy makers should understand clearly whether gentrification has positive or negative effects and whether benefits of gentrification outweigh its disadvantages. In fact, the support of gentrification is essential only on the condition of the positive effect on the urban development but, in actuality, the risk of widening gaps between different social classes, namely between the rich and the poor, may widen that may lead to the exclusion of the poor and their marginalization. Therefore, the process of gentrification needs to be studied in details but policy makers should take into consideration the fact that gentrification has a considerable impact on the social, economic and demographic development of modern urban areas. THE ESSENCE OF GENTRIFICATION Definition of gentrification Gentrification is a relatively new trend, although specialists (De Courcy Hinds, 1987) refer the origin of gentrification to the mid-20th century and the post-World War II period, when considerable changes in communities inhabited by representatives of lower- and working class had started. In this regard, it is possible to refer to the experience of Brooklyn, New York: On November 22, 1966, a small group of city construction workers arrived at the corner of State and Nevins Street in Brooklyn with orders to raze an abandoned brownstone. Having recently gained possession of the dilapidated four-story building through non-payment of taxes, the city had become concerned that the empty townhouse was a gathering place for homeless men and drug users and decided to demolish it (Osman, 2011, 1). However, it is only by the late 20th century, the trend to gentrification had become strong and today this is one of the most significant trends in the urban development. At this point, specialists (McKenzie, 2006) define gentrification as the process of shift of the middle class population in low income and working class communities. As a rule, the native population of low-income and working class communities is steadily replaced by representatives of the upper-class and professionals, who settle in the area, whereas the share of the native population decreases substantially. The wealthier population moves to low-income and working class communities, settles their and starts developing local communities. In such a situation, the native population of these communities has to move to other areas and settle there. Nevertheless, the process of gentrification is still under-researched and needs further studies because this process is quite complicated and relatively new. This is why researchers attempt to explore the process of gentrification in the context of urban development (Sassen, 1995). In such a way, it is possible to understand its effects on urban development. However, before studying effects of gentrification on urban development, it is necessary to dwell upon basic causes of gentrification. Causes of gentrification can help to understand the essence of this process and its effects in a long-run perspective. Economic causes of gentrification On analyzing causes of gentrification, specialists (Brandes Gratz, 1989) point out economic concerns as one of the major causes of gentrification. To put it more precisely, the economic development of large cities contributes to the fast progress and growth of the population along with the growth of needs and requirements of the population concerning residential areas, conveniences and environment. In such a situation, the younger generation of professionals and representatives of the middle class often prefers to move to low-income and working class communities, where they can afford purchasing a permanent lodging at a relatively low price and, thus, start living separately from their parents, owning their own lodging. The availability of lodging and its relatively low price attracts representatives of the middle class, who look for independence and affordable lodging. In addition, many professionals are driven to low-income and working class communities by their professional concerns. For instance, if professionals work in the city, they feel more comfortable, when they live close to their work that allows them to save travel time as well as money. In such a situation, economic concerns become prior to representatives of the middle class and professionals, mainly young people, who move to low-income and working class communities from traditional areas of their living. Social causes of gentrification In actuality, social factors also play an important part in the emergence of gentrification in modern cities that affects consistently their development. In this regard, specialists (Ley, 1995) argue that artists, teachers and cultural administrators are in the avant-garde of gentrification because they seek for new place of residence, where they can settle being free of the dependence on automotive transportation and other issues emerging in the suburban areas, where representatives of the middle class normally live. In fact, young graduates, educators, artists and other representatives of the middle class prefer to settle closer to the city center to get access to basic conveniences, services and important city areas, including hospitals, trade centers and other areas. In such a way, they attempt to maintain the lifestyle they have used to while studying and get wider access to basic services they need at the moment. In addition, gentrification increases their independence from par ents and automotive transport. In such a way, representatives of the middle class move to low-income and working class communities. Economic globalization At the same time, some specialists (Ley, 1986) point out that the process of gentrification is closely intertwined and is provoked by the process of globalization. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the fact that the process of globalization contributes to the free and fast movement of capital along with the migration of the population. The migration of the population and movement of capital being enhanced by the free movement of capital stimulates gentrification. Representatives of the middle class purchase houses in low-income and working class communities and they can repair and improve to match their standards of living. In this regard, immigrants with a relatively high level of income can also move to low-income and working class community, where they can purchase houses at a relatively low price and repair them respectively to their standards. At the same time, globalization contributes to the emergence of banking and service activities which replace the traditional manufacturing core of the urban economy. In such a situation, professional working in the banking industry and professionals working in different industries providing services prefer to move to low-income and working class communities, where they can settle close to their workplace, whereas many professionals today work just at home that allow them to save time and money on transportation. At the same time, low-income and working class communities attract them due to the relatively low price and location close to the city center and respective conveniences and services being available to representatives of the middle class living in these communities. THE EFFECTS OF GENTRIFICATION ON URBAN DEVELOPMENT Economic effects of gentrification In actuality, the process of gentrification leads to consistent changes in urban development and affects consistently the economic development of communities vulnerable to the impact of gentrification. In this regard, many specialists warn that the obvious problem being that the low income portion of the social fold is being disregardedà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬literally and figuratively (Whatà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Up with Gentrification, 2007, 5). What is meant here is the fact that gentrification leads to the replacement of poor, working class population by representatives of the middle class. In such a situation, low-income families and representatives of the working class have to move from their communities to other ones, where the standards of living are even lower than that of their own communities inhabited by representatives of the middle class. Representatives of the middle class, in their turn, inhabit low-income and working class communities start consistent changes in local communities, where they settle. These changes lead to consistent raise in standards of living because they repair their houses and stimulate the development of commerce and different services, which are essential for the maintenance of their high standards of living. In such a way, representatives of the middle class invest substantial funds in the development of local communities to match them to their traditional standards of living, which are naturally consistently higher than standards of living for low-income families and representatives of the working class. At the same time, the rise of standards of living, significant investments, the development of the local infrastructure, services and facilities increases substantially the price of real estate in the community as well as costs of living in the community. In such a situation, representatives of the middle class settling in low-income and working class community bring considerable investments but these investments lead to the increase of costs of living in communities making the life unaffordable for low-income and working class population. As a result, the economic development of communities vulnerable to the impact of gentrification changes consistently. Specialists (McKenzie, 2006) argue that representatives of the middle class moving to low-income and working class communities boost their economic development that leads to the increase in housing prices and overall rise of costs of living. As a result, low-income and working class communities turn from poverty stricken communities into successful and rapidly progressing communities, where business activities emerge successfully. At first glance, economic effects of gentrification are positive. However, specialists (Sassen, 1995) warn that such positive effects of gentrification can have extremely dangerous side-effects, especially in relation to low-income and working class. To put it more precisely, the low-income and working class population has to move from the communities, where people used to live before the arrival of representatives of the middle class. Often they have to move away from the areas located close to the city center and they should look for cheap lodging. However, as the process of gentrification emerges, they have substantial problems with finding cheap lodging, while they cannot afford constructing their own houses, which used to be the prerogative of representatives of the middle class. Representatives of the low-income and working class cannot afford purchasing their own homes as well. In such a situation, they are doomed to live in outskirts of large cities or other areas, where cond itions of living deteriorate and become unbearable for the population. In contrast, representatives of the middle class improve conditions of living, stimulate the development of business activities. As a result, the poor are forced to live in communities suffering from economic stagnation, whereas the rich and middle class prosper. The economic disparity between classes deteriorates the economic development of low-income and working class. The disparity in economic development of different parts of cities leads to the backwardness of the parts inhabited by low-income and working class, whereas parts of cities inhabiting by middle class prosper. The economic prosperity stimulated by gentrification improves the local infrastructure and opens new ways for the development of business activities. As a result, the wealth of the middle and upper-class increases and is accumulated in the hands of representatives of the middle and upper-class. In contrast, the poor grow poorer and cannot afford living within the city that leads to their marginalization. Social effects of gentrification At the same time, consistent economic changes affect the development of the social life of communities vulnerable to the impact of gentrification. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the deterioration of the economic situation in urban areas and the deterioration of the position of low-income and working class. Representatives of the middle class are also vulnerable to the impact of gentrification. However, the impact of gentrification is different in relation to low-income and working class and in relation to the middle class. Economic changes affect consistently the position of both classes that naturally contributes to consistent social changes. In fact, the poor are vulnerable to the negative impact of gentrification. First of all, they have to move from their traditional residential areas to new ones, where they have to start a new life and where conditions of living are worse compared to the communities they used to live in. Representatives of the low-income and working class have to live in new communities and start a new life, which naturally evokes a number of social problems, among which it is necessary to develop basic infrastructure and positive relationships within the community. Furthermore, as the poor have to move to a new residential area, they often have to change their workplace because they cannot always afford covering transportation costs or the schedule of their work makes their work impossible. As they change the workplace, they may face the problem of unemployment, especially because they have to move to areas with the poor business development and with stagnating economy. In such a situation, representatives of the low-income and working class can face another problem à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ the problem of high crime rates in areas, where they settle after they have to move from their communities under the impact of gentrification. In fact, being in a desperate position and having no means for living, the poor are forced to commit crimes to earn for living and to afford living in a new community, where they move to from communities now inhabited by representatives of the middle class mainly. Representatives of the low-income and working class slip to criminal activities that naturally increase the social tension in poverty-stricken neighborhoods, where they live. Another social problem representatives of the lower class face is the lack of access to education. In fact, as they are removed from traditional residential areas, where they used to live, the poor have to develop their life in new communities and areas, which are often underdeveloped. They cannot afford developing education organizations and education system in their new community on their own. The state and local authorities are not always capable and willing to support the population of local communities. As a result, new communities inhabiting by the poor either have insufficient capacities to provide access to education for students in these communities, or have no education organizations at all. Obviously, the lack of access to education will increase the social tension even more because without education individuals cannot get well-paid jobs and good career opportunities. In addition, children living in low-income communities with the high level of crime rates are vulnerable t o the impact of their criminal environment. Therefore, the position of the poor will deteriorate, whereas social problems will increase over and over again. In addition, it is worth mentioning the fact that health care services are not available to the poor, who have to move to new residential areas after representatives of the upper class have replaced them in their traditional residential areas. In fact, health care services are not available as education services. Today, health care services are very expensive and the poor cannot afford the development of health care organizations in their communities, whereas the state lacks funds for the provision of health care services to all people. In such a situation, the poor are deprived of basic opportunities to have access to basic health care services. In contrast to the poor, representatives of the middle class can benefit from gentrification economically but they can hardly benefit from gentrification in social terms. What is meant here is the fact that representatives of the middle class exclude representatives of the lower class from the mainstream culture and benefits associated with the fast economic development of their communities. In fact, in social terms, gentrification leads to the growing tension between representatives of different social classes. To put it in simple words, representatives of the middle class improve their conditions of living, whereas the poor become poorer and suffer from a bunch of socio-economic problems. Moreover, the gap between the rich and the poor grows wider and specialists (Sassen, 1995) forecast serious conflicts between the two classes under the impact of gentrification because the problem will aggravate and the gap between the two classes will widen. Demographic effects of gentrification Along with numerous economic and social effects of gentrification, specialists (McKenzie, 2006) distinguish demographic effects. In this respect, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the process of gentrification contributes to consistent demographic changes. In fact, representatives of the middle class purchasing houses in the low-income and working class communities tend to have a few children. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that representatives of the middle class, who move to low-income and working class communities, are young people mainly. As a rule, they are not having children, when they move to low-income and working class communities. They need substantial financial resources to start a new life in low-income and working class communities. In such a situation, representatives of the middle class prefer to invest in the repair of their new houses and the development of low-income and working class communities to transform them into prosperous co mmunities. In such a situation, the rise of taxes and costs of living decreases the capabilities of representatives of the middle class living in low-income and working class communities of having children. In a long-run perspective, gentrification leads to the aging of the population living in communities, where representatives of the middle class have moved to. The same trend can be traced in low-income and working class communities because they cannot afford maintaining large families. In such a situation, the risk of the demographic crisis emerges because both representatives of the middle and lower classes have a few children. Specialists (Brandes Gratz, 1989) argue that, in a long-run perspective, the demographic crisis provoked by gentrification can lead to the aging of the population. The latter may provoke the deterioration of the economic situation and provoke social problems. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF GENTRIFICATION Advantages of gentrification Obviously, gentrification has a number of advantages. First of all, gentrification stimulates the fast economic development of low-income and working class communities because representatives of the middle class invest substantial financial resources in the development of the communities. The investment and the development of local infrastructure increase housing prices in local areas. In such a situation, the housing taxes increase as the wealth of the community increases. Therefore, the economic development of communities under the impact of gentrification is accelerated. The development of communities stimulates the development of cities at large because cities benefit from the increased revenues obtained from taxation and accelerated economic development of would be low-income and working class communities. Representatives of the middle class obtain large opportunities for the further improvement of their standards of living. As a result, they benefit from gentrification. Disadvantages of gentrification On the other hand, gentrification brings a number of problems and has substantial disadvantages. First of all, Gentrification deteriorates the position of the poor, who have to move from low-income and working class communities, which are inhabited by representatives of the middle class. Their economic position becomes even worse as they have to move to new communities. In fact, the poverty breeds poverty being expelled from low-income and working class communities by representatives of the middle class. In addition, representatives of the lower class have to move to new communities, where a bunch of socioeconomic problems emerge. Among the major problems of socioeconomic problems, it is worth mentioning unemployment, the lack of access of the poor to education and basic health care services, and other problems. However, what is more important about gentrification is widening the gap between the rich and the poor. In fact, the poor become poorer, whereas representatives of the middle class improve their position. In such a situation, gentrification can undermine the foundation of modern cities because it raises unsurpassable barriers between the rich and the poor living in the cities but this antagonism can provoke serious social conflicts, including growing crime rates, which may affect not only poverty stricken communities but also other communities, including communities inhabited by representatives of the middle class and communities emerged in terms of gentrification. CONCLUSION Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that gentrification is quite a controversial process. In actuality, it is obvious that gentrification affects consistently the urban development. However, effects of gentrification can be highly controversial. On the one hand, gentrification stimulates the economic development of communities, where representatives of the middle class move to. However, economic benefits may be short-run, whereas, in a long-run perspective, gentrification can lead to the widening gap between the rich and the poor in cities. The latter problem will lead to the deterioration of the social stability within cities. Nevertheless, the full impact of gentrification on urban development should be studied further.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Monroe Doctrine Editorial :: essays research papers

Monroe Doctrine: For Good or for Bad? The interests of our own Latin America is clearly different from those of that of the United States – but ever since the Monroe Doctrine has been declared, it seemed as if relations between the US and the nations of Latin America stabilized on a friendly note. But we need not feel easy and let our guard down at all, for this issue has had major questionings in the past years already. Is the United States really attempting to protect our nations from any threat of reconquest from outer nations? Or is the US only using the Monroe Doctrine to dominate the Western Hemisphere? I strongly agree with our nations’ government views about this issue: that the United States is only using this as a step forward in monopolizing power around the Western Hemisphere. It might be true that they are defending our nations from European conquest and such, but we are also independent and should be allowed to govern ourselves without any higher power that makes every decision for us, even if sometimes it’s not even in the general interest of the masses within nations of Latin America. But then again, the US might be actually intending to just defend us, since as we are part of its land and territory. Our region is that of a concentrated power with one major rule, just as a Spanish official made this prediction about the United States in 1783: â€Å"We have just recognized a new power in a great region where there exists no other to challenge its growth. †¦ The day will come when it grows and becomes a giant and even a colossus in those regions. Within a few years we will regard the existence of this colossus with real sorrow.† And now, as it clearly is seen, the United States is the existing â€Å"Colossus of the North†, even though it wasn’t able to carry out the Monroe Doctrine by itself in the beginning, and with the help of the British navy, it was duly carried on.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Plantation Crops and the Slavery System Essay

Plantation crops and the slavery system changed between 1800 and 1860 because of the industrial revolution. After the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, the Southern states were granted freedom to decide about the legality of slavery. At this point in time, the cotton production was very low and there were around 700,000 slaves in the whole country. Cotton changed the course of the American economic and racial future, because of the mass production of textiles. The cotton quantities increased considerably. The South was producing and exporting over sixty- seven percent of the world’s cotton by 1840 which gave the region strong economic power. As the cotton production continued to grow it required more manpower or slaves. The supply of slaves needed for growing of such production was restricted, making slaves more valuable resulting in the domestic slave trade. The domestic slave trade emerged as a crucial commercial enterprise during the 1800 and 1860, which resulted in white planters looking for new slaves in the upper South states. (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 352-359) â€Å"For white planters, the interstate trade in slaves was lucrative; it pumped money into the declining Chesapeake economy and provided young workers for the expanding plantations of the cotton belt. For blacks, it was a traumatic journey, a new Middle Passage that broke up their families and communities. â€Å"Arise, Arise and weep no more, dry up your tears; we shall part no more,† the slaves sing hopefully as they journey to new lives in Tennessee.† (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 358) The domestic slave trade emerged as a crucial commercial enterprise operating through a coastal and inland. The coastal system sent slaves to the sugar plantations in Louisiana and the inland to cotton plantations. The domestic slave trade was crucial for the prosperity of the southern economy. It was an important resource to raise money and help support the economy of the Upper South. (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 352-359) References Henretta, J. A., Edwards, R., Self, R. O. (2012). America: A Concise History, Volume One: To 1877, 5th Edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What is history essays

What is history essays Carl Becker, a historian, says history may be defined as the study of development on human societies in time and in space. This definition is true. Historians dont just study dates, presidents, and wars. They also arent just interested in famous people either. Historians are interested in all of human societies. Thats why the most important subject of history is man. Man has a lot to do with history. Man is what gave what we have this present day. For example, money houses roads, jobs and so on. Everyone has a history; everyone has a past. Which brings me to my next point. The minute that a person is conceived that person begins to develop in time. In other words he begins to develop a past that keeps going and going until that person has no life to live. People arent the only things that develop a past. States, nations, the whole world actually have pasts. Everything around us has a past; for example Killeen has a past because the town had to start building somewhere. Killeen started becoming a town because Fort Hood was an army base so it started to bring more and more people to the area and because the people were coming to the area businesses started to pop up which means houses and such started coming along with those businesses. Instead of historians studying the past year by year the past is studied in something called time periods. Space is the last thing that Becker said that history is a part of. Everything a human being does is influenced by the physical enviroment of the world. Natural resources, climate, soil, rivers, seas and mountains help out everything that a human being does. Historians study the history of human societies in any geographical area that man has been. For example towns or cities, parts of towns and cities, regions, states, nations, continents, the world and outer space. History can be studied in any geographical area just as long as th ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Rise Of Totalitarianism

The Rise of Totalitarianism Totalitarianism is any political system in which a citizen is totally subject to a governing authority in all aspects of day-to-day life. It goes well beyond dictatorship or typical police state measurers. Totalitarianism involves constant indoctrination achieved by propaganda to erase any potential for dissent, by anyone, including most especially the agents of government. Historically, totalitarian regimes have surpassed authoritarian ones in size and in power. State control of all television, radio, and every other mass media makes it easy for totalitarian regimes to make their presence felt, often through campaigns of propaganda or the creation of a personality cult. Some nations, such as Britain and France, continued to use a modified form of democracy to attempt to solve their social and economic issues. Germany's attempt at democracy eventually transformed itself into Hitler's autocratic regime, and in Soviet Russia, Stalin was in power as the Russian dictator by 1924. While many blame state-backed terror for the rise of totalitarianism, it is difficult to deny that the regimes of Hitler and Stalin were totally unpopular among their respective masses. We must not forget that both Hitler and Stalin gained power through the plebiscite. We can make the argument that totalitarianism rose as an alternative method of government, economic, and social recovery to compliment that of democracy. We can say within a certain degree that the inherent instability of the nation-state following World War I inevitable led to the rise of totalitarianism. We can easily draw parallels between the rise of 20th century autocracy and absolute power (totalitarianism) and the absolute power that was observed after the initial birth and early acceptance of the nation-state concept in the 17th and 18th centuries. It can looked at that It totalitarianism is unique among all other forms of autocracy and nationalism i... Free Essays on The Rise Of Totalitarianism Free Essays on The Rise Of Totalitarianism The Rise of Totalitarianism Totalitarianism is any political system in which a citizen is totally subject to a governing authority in all aspects of day-to-day life. It goes well beyond dictatorship or typical police state measurers. Totalitarianism involves constant indoctrination achieved by propaganda to erase any potential for dissent, by anyone, including most especially the agents of government. Historically, totalitarian regimes have surpassed authoritarian ones in size and in power. State control of all television, radio, and every other mass media makes it easy for totalitarian regimes to make their presence felt, often through campaigns of propaganda or the creation of a personality cult. Some nations, such as Britain and France, continued to use a modified form of democracy to attempt to solve their social and economic issues. Germany's attempt at democracy eventually transformed itself into Hitler's autocratic regime, and in Soviet Russia, Stalin was in power as the Russian dictator by 1924. While many blame state-backed terror for the rise of totalitarianism, it is difficult to deny that the regimes of Hitler and Stalin were totally unpopular among their respective masses. We must not forget that both Hitler and Stalin gained power through the plebiscite. We can make the argument that totalitarianism rose as an alternative method of government, economic, and social recovery to compliment that of democracy. We can say within a certain degree that the inherent instability of the nation-state following World War I inevitable led to the rise of totalitarianism. We can easily draw parallels between the rise of 20th century autocracy and absolute power (totalitarianism) and the absolute power that was observed after the initial birth and early acceptance of the nation-state concept in the 17th and 18th centuries. It can looked at that It totalitarianism is unique among all other forms of autocracy and nationalism i...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Accounting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Accounting - Research Paper Example l not only affect the reporting style and responsibility of the public companies but will also affect the private companies of the United States since both the public and private companies relied upon the GAAP for the preparation of their financial statements. It is a notable fact that even today some of the US private companies apply the IFRS to meet their reporting requirements, particularly the companies that have foreign related parties or investors that use the IFRS. There has been a debate over the past few years that the extensive reporting requirements of US GAAP have increased the cost of reporting for both the public and private companies although some of the more composite requirements may not even apply on the private companies. The AICPA (American Institute of Chartered Public Accountants) has carried out certain studies to observe the relevance and fulfillment of requirements of the users of the financial statements of private companies as to whether the US GAAP compliance is beneficial to the users. The study has resulted in the fact that some of the more extensive and complex requirement of the US GAAP have more cost than benefit to the users. This may be because the users of financial statements of public company and the private company have different objectives as the public company financial statement users are mainly investors while the private company users are more concerned with management and short-term affairs of the company. This debate has also given rise to a further debate hat whether a standalone reporting standards be prepared to meet the requirements of the private companies as some countries have already put forward this point. In this regard, the IASB has already begun working on reporting standards for Medium and Small Enterprises which are known as the IFRS for Private Entities. These IFRS for private entities only cover those entities that are exempt from public accountability which has made it relevant for any entity that

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Case Assign MGNT Strategy Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Assign MGNT Strategy Implementation - Essay Example The main focus of the company was on eliminating the wastage of time and raw materials at every step of the production process. Due to this reason the company introduced fast and flexible process of manufacturing so that they could supply the customers with the best product on the right time and at an affordable price (Becker, 2012). Toyota improved their production quality by: Implementing a culture of learning within the organization for continuous improvement. Increasing the quality of the working systems. Introducing affordable alternatives for new expensive technology in the market. Creating a perfect business process within the company (ICMR, 2010). Toyota faced different business problems from other automobile companies. The company targeted a small market segment but it had to produce a variety of cars on the same assembly line. The only solution of this problem was to introduce flexible operation. This is when Toyota production system was introduced in the company. They inco rporated the idea of Just-In-time system, inspired by the ideas from American supermarkets. The company also became inspired by the idea of W. Edward Deming, which encouraged Toyota to adopt a systematic approach for solving the problems and this would lead to continuous improvement. This process was called Kaizen (Weemooseus- edublogs, 2010). The main motive of Toyota Production system was to minimize the time spend on activities which are not important or necessary. The major activities in the organization which were non-value adding waste were: Defects Disguise employment Inventory in excess Overproduction Strategic Implementation Factors Strategies are usually formulated by the top level management of the company, but the people responsible for implementing the strategy are different. Implementation is the process that links the top level management with the other employees of the organization. Strategy formulation and implementation of the strategy are two sides of the same coi n. Implementation is a process with the help of which the strategies and the policies of the company are put in action by developing programs, budgets and procedures (Kachru, 2005, p. 391). To see that the strategies have been properly implemented it is important to use the capabilities of a few to check those implementations. The factors such as the structure, culture, people of the organization, commutation, control and the outcome is very important for an organization to successfully implement the strategies. To see that the strategies formulated have been carefully implemented, the organizational structure and culture should be reviewed. In the mid of 2000 Toyota faced number of safety issues in their cars. The most notable problems Toyota faced in its design, development, suppliers, production and maintenance was due to the resignation of a number of talented professionals from Toyota. The 2007 consumer reports did not give any ratings to the cars manufactured by Toyota. The co mpanies had shortage of experts, and maintaining high quality became a million dollar question for Toyota. They had time pressure and lack of resources. The sales went down and the strengths, hybrids and electric cars were not helping the company revive (The Guardian, 2010). Structure The structure affects the organization indirectly. It also affects the implementation of strategies through the flow and control of information. The organization should always align the design and the capabilities