Thursday, May 21, 2020

7 Facts About Bacteriophages

Bacteriophages are bacteria eaters in that they are viruses that infect and destroy bacteria. Sometimes called phages, these microscopic organisms are ubiquitous in nature. In addition to infecting bacteria, bacteriophages also infect other microscopic prokaryotes known as archaea. This infection is specific to a specific species of bacteria or archaea. A phage that infects E. coli for instance, will not infect anthrax bacteria. Since bacteriophages do not infect human cells, they have been used in medical therapies to treat bacterial diseases. Bacteriophages have three main structure types. Since bacteriophages are viruses, they consist of a nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) enclosed within a protein shell or capsid. A bacteriophage may also have a protein tail attached to the capsid with tail fibers extending from the tail. The tail fibers help the phage attach to its host and the tail helps to inject the viral genes into the host. A bacteriophage may exist as: viral genes in a capsid head with no tailviral genes in  a capsid head with a taila filamentous or rod-shaped capsid with circular single-stranded DNA. Bacteriophages pack their genome How do viruses fit their voluminous genetic material into their capsids? RNA bacteriophages, plant viruses, and animal viruses have a self-folding mechanism that enables the viral genome to fit within the capsid container. It appears that only viral RNA genome have this self-folding mechanism. DNA viruses fit their genome into the capsid with the help of special enzymes known as packing enzymes. Bacteriophages have two life cycles Bacteriophages are capable of reproducing by either the lysogenic or lytic life cycles. The lysogenic cycle is also known as the temperate cycle because the host is not killed. The virus injects its genes into the bacterium and the viral genes are inserted into the bacterial chromosome. In the bacteriophage lytic cycle, the virus replicates within the host. The host is killed when the newly replicated viruses break open or lyse the host cell and are released. Bacteriophages transfer genes between bacteria Bacteriophages help to transfer genes between bacteria by means of genetic recombination. This type of gene transfer is known as transduction. Transduction can be accomplished through either the lytic or lysogenic cycle. In the lytic cycle, for example, the phage injects its DNA into a bacterium and enzymes separate the bacterial DNA into pieces. The phage genes direct the bacterium to produce more viral genes and viral components (capsids, tail, etc.). As the new viruses begin to assemble, bacterial DNA may inadvertently become enclosed within a viral capsid. In this case, the phage possesses bacterial DNA instead of viral DNA. When this phage infects another bacterium, it injects the DNA from the previous bacterium into the host cell. The donor bacterial DNA then may become inserted into the genome of the newly infected bacterium by recombination. As a result, the genes from one bacterium are transferred to another. Bacteriophages can make bacteria harmful to humans Bacteriophages play a role in human disease by turning some harmless bacteria into agents of disease. Some bacteria species including E. coli, Streptococcus pyogenes (causes flesh-eating disease), Vibrio cholerae (causes cholera), and Shigella (causes dysentery) become harmful when genes that produce toxic substances are transferred to them via bacteriophages. These bacteria are then able to infect humans and cause food poisoning and other deadly diseases. Bacteriophages are being used to target superbugs Scientists have isolated bacteriophages that destroy the superbug Clostridium difficile (C. diff). C. diff typically affects the digestive system causing diarrhea and colitis. Treating this type of infection with bacteriophages provides a way to preserve the good gut bacteria while destroying only the C. diff germs. Bacteriophages are seen as a good alternative to antibiotics. Due to antibiotic overuse, resistant strains of bacteria are becoming more common. Bacteriophages are also being used to destroy other superbugs including drug-resistant E. coli and MRSA. Bacteriophages play a significant role in the world's carbon cycle Bacteriophages are the most abundant virus in the ocean. Phages known as Pelagiphages infect and destroy SAR11 bacteria. These bacteria convert dissolved carbon molecules into carbon dioxide and influence the amount of available atmospheric carbon. Pelagiphages play an important role in the carbon cycle by destroying SAR11 bacteria, which proliferate at a high rate and are very good at adapting to avoid infection. Pelagiphages keep SAR11 bacteria numbers in check, ensuring that there is not an overabundance of global carbon dioxide production. Sources: Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online, s. v. bacteriophage, accessed October 07, 2015, School of Veterinary Science. Viruses Can Turn Harmless E. Coli Dangerous. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 April 2009. of Leicester. Bacteria-eating viruses magic bullets in the war on superbugs. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 October 2013. State University. A war without end, with Earths carbon cycle held in the balance. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 February 2013.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Program Follower Act Essay - 891 Words

For quite a while going before the World Trade Center strikes, Brian Michael (the delegate head of Crisis Organization from the year 1989 to 1998) expected a surprising part flight security. Since that scene, Brian has been in the bleeding edge in working up the program Follower Act, which reduced the peril of the security in America. The Soviet military risk to America after World War II was magnificent to be created for political and cash related purposes of premium. The contemplate presentation of the Cold War was effective in making government approach with an outrageous objective to have an unprecedented including of all the national talk on perils and media control. The guideline conviction framework and key support of these two†¦show more content†¦Focal rearmament choices were made, however a little while later the U.S. government never endeavored to satisfy more than secure just old news new. Supporter Act, regardless, consider as a convincing weapon given to law require affiliations while ensuring flexibility security, and integrity of American nationals. The Supporter Show gives capable gadgets to fight fear. Likewise, it disengages the divider worked among understanding and law support affiliations using available current headway. The battle against dread must be made by utilizing military means and furthermore all grabbing get-together whats more law execution work environments ought to organize and encourage with each other to react and keep up a key separation from fear monger acts. Generally, protection and probability of American tenants was a top need secluded and the national security. Law usage is furnished with present day and refined sorts of advance to look at and fight against mental attacker and a central court configuration design had been executed if there ought to build up an event of dread monger related operation. As appeared by the Loyalist Presentat ion, honest to goodness demands had been proposed to the general open who do mental oppressor wrongdoings or are associated with such at hazard get-togethers. The Amassed States and the Soviet Union additionally endeavored to battleShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Personal Model of Leadership1298 Words   |  6 Pagesexplore why leadership is important to organizations, society and this author. A Personal Model of Leadership Servant leadership was a term that was first used by Keifner Greenleaf(1970) in his first essay, The Servant as Leader (as cited by Crippen, C., 2005). 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The Kite Runner Journal Responses Free Essays

Journal Responses 11/2/12 The passage â€Å"†¦ they in turn opened into an extension of the driveway into my father’s estate† uses a key word in the phrase, â€Å"estate†. Some synonyms of the word estate are; land, park, parkland, manor. The connotation we could make is that the author used this word to sound elegant and give the Hassan’s family a rich outlook on what they are compared to other families in afghan. We will write a custom essay sample on The Kite Runner Journal Responses or any similar topic only for you Order Now The passage â€Å"†¦ a new and affluent neighborhood in the northern part of Kabul. Some thought it was the prettiest house in all of Kabul. Can present how Amir and his father are very proud of themselves. The author wanted to show that Amir and his father were one of the richer and wealthier in the city. He may also wanted to show that they stand out from the rest of the people of the city. Therefore Amir and his Father are characterized as the upper class of Kabul. â€Å"you! The hazara! † what I further remember from the movie afghan star is that all the ethnic groups were fighting back where they were from. But all of the 4 different ethnics singing it had seemed to bring them together in a sense of unity. Yes, The Hazaras are disrespected more than the other ethnic groups. This is almost like them picking on the most weakest person which in this case is hazara. The passage â€Å"†¦ they in turn opened into an extension of the driveway into my father’s estate† uses a key word in the phrase, â€Å"estate†. Some synonyms of the word estate are; land, park, parkland, manor. The connotation we could make is that the author used this word to sound elegant and give the Hassan’s family a rich outlook on what they are compared to other families in afghan. Eric Richardson Ms. Pierce Journal Responses 11/2/12 Chapter four response. Why doesn’t Amir accept Hassan as a good friend? What doesn’t make sense to me is why does Hassan do all this stiff for Amir and not get anything in return even tho he is always there for him. For example when Hassan read Amir a story then he asked a question, when Amir was thinking about something mean to say about Hassan being a hazara. Amir doesn’t seem to have respect for anyone and I think it will come back to haunt him. How to cite The Kite Runner Journal Responses, Essay examples