Monday, August 24, 2020

AP Art History Free Essays

Assyrian ruler, Sargon II increased huge force in an overthrow against his sibling. In festivity of his triumph, and in an indecent advancement of his capacity, he raised or rather charged a gigantic stronghold with seven entryways in the city of Dur Sharrukin (present day Khorsabad, Iraq). Each entryway was protected by a couple of alabaster Lamassu, an animal with the body of a bull, wings of a fledgling of prey, legs of a lion, and the substance of Sargon II himself. We will compose a custom article test on AP Art History or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now More than two centuries earlier, the greywacke Palette of King Narmer was available for use around a recently bound together Egypt. The two works were made in festivity of a monarch’s power yet did so ways commendable of their individual culture. The Palette of King Narmer utilizes broad imagery to speak to the force he had at that point. In Egypt, the intensity of a ruler was legitimately attached to the divine beings, which raises the main image utilized on the palette, two dairy animals in the top register of either side. Dairy animals are the image of the goddess Hathor, the central god of euphoria, music, and parenthood. Between the cows is the symbolic representation for Narmer. The entirety of this together emphatically recommends that Narmer was suggesting a familial connection to Hathor, and therefore giving him the status and intensity of a divine being. Different images incorporate the hedjet of upper Egypt that he wears on the front; the deshret of lower Egypt that he wears on the back; Narmer as a bull, an image of intensity utilized for quite a long time, crushing a strengthened city; and cat animals with since a long time ago, interweaved necks being subdued speaking to the unification of upper and lower Egypt. With everything taken into account, the utilization of imagery in the Palette of King Narmer appears to vigorously suggest that he had territory over the entirety of Egypt, that he could overcome any adversary, and that he was legitimately associated with the divine beings, which are for the most part thoughts of the intensity of the Pharaoh that have been propagated all through all of antiquated Egyptian history. The Lamassu, from the bastion of Sargon II, additionally utilizes a decent lot is imagery. Above all else, the head is topped with horns, an image of divine beings. Furthermore, the body is a bull, which, as recently referenced, is an image of intensity. Different animals joined together to make the Lamassu, the winged creature of prey and lion, were added to show that Sargon II was furious and incredible and to panic those wishing to enter the fortification. Not exclusively is the Lamassu a half breed animal, yet it is additionally delineated in composite style, which means it is a cross breed of perspectives. From the front, it seems, by all accounts, to be standing honorably and from the side, it is taking a step. This deception is practiced by the expansion of a fifth leg that you can’t see from the front and one of the front legs you can’t see from the side. Engravings on the Lamassu acclaim Sargon II and revile any who might wish to hurt him. This portrayal of Sargon II is average of Assyrian workmanship delineating a pioneer; incredible as a bull, furious as a lion, shrewd and quick as a winged creature of prey. They saw their pioneers as being equivalent to the divine beings in power. Interestingly, Egyptians saw their pioneers as divine beings themselves, while Mesopotamians saw them just as equivalent to divine beings. Outwardly, they couldn't contrast increasingly; one is an enormous alabaster sculpture, and the other is a little greywacke cosmetics palette. Notwithstanding, they are fundamentally the same as in the manner that they speak to control through images. The bull is an image of intensity utilized in the two works. The two works have delineations remainder of their individual divine beings, most likely to contrast the pioneers in progress with a divine being. The two works commended a victory of sorts, yet the Palette of King Narmer was authorized in little scope for individual use, and the Lamassu was charged as an enormous scope ornamentation. Obviously the two societies held attached to control somewhere down in their religion. Step by step instructions to refer to AP Art History, Papers AP workmanship history Free Essays

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Client Server Computing free essay sample

Customer/server is a dispersed figuring model in which customer applications demand administrations from server procedures and Servers get those solicitations and perform activities, for example, database inquiries and understanding records. o Application Tasks ? UI ? Introduction rationale ? Application rationale ? Information uprightness o Rightsizing ? Scaling back ? Upsizing ? Smartsizing †¢ Benefits of Client/Server Computing o Dollar Savings o Increased Productivity o Flexibility and Scalability o Resource Utilization Centralized Control o Open Systems †¢ Evolution of Client/Server Computing o Hardware Trends ? Force ? Chips ? Memory o Software Trends ? Social Databases ? GUIs ? Multithreaded Processing ? Proceeding with Evolution †¢ Evolution of Operating Systems †¢ Networking Trends †¢ Business Considerations †¢ Overview of Client/Server Applications o Components of Client/Server Applications ? The Client ? The Server ? The Network †¢ Classes of Client/Server Applications o Host-Based Processing o Client-Based Processing o Cooperative Processing †¢ Categories of Client/Server Applications o Office Systems o Front-Ends to Existing Systems Database Access o Transaction-Processing Applications UNIT 2 Client/Server Operating Systems †¢ Dispelling the Myths o Client/Server Computing is Easily Implemented o Current Desktop Machines Are Sufficient o Minimal Training Is Required o All Data Areâ Relational o Development Time Is Shorter †¢ Obstacles-Upfront and Hidden o Costs o Mixed Platforms o Maintenance o Reliability o Restructuring Corporate Architecture †¢ Open Systems and Standards o Standards Areas o Existing Standards o Open Systems †¢ Standards-Setting Organizations o Open Software Foundation o UNIX International o X/Open o Object Management Group o SQL Access Group Factors for Success o Internetworking o Interoperability o Compatible Environments o Perceived Benefits UNIT 3 The Client †¢ Client Hardware and Software †¢ Client Components o Client Hardware o Client Software o Interface Environments †¢ Client Operating Systems o DOS with Windows 3. We will compose a custom article test on Customer Server Computing or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page x o OS/2 o UNIX-Based †¢ What is a GUI? o Screen Characteristics o Event Driven o Native API †¢ X Window versus Windowing o X Window GUIs o Windowing GUIs o Other Environments †¢ Database Access o SQL Interface o Extended SQL †¢ Application Logic o Generated Application Logic o Customized Application Logic †¢ Client Software Products o GUI Environments Windows 3. x ? Introduction Manager ? Theme ? Open Look o Converting 3270/5250 Screens o Database Access Tools †¢ Client Requirements o GUI Design Standards o Open GUI Standards o Interface Independence o Testing Interfaces o Development Aids ? Savvy GUI interfaces ? Keen SQL Interfaces ? Information Dictionaries and Repositories ? Brilliant OLTP Interfaces UNIT 4 The Server †¢ Server Hardware †¢ Benchmarks †¢ Categories of Servers o File Server o Application Server o Data Server o Compute Server o Database Server o Communication Server †¢ Features of Server Machines o Multiprocessing o Multithreading o Memory Subsystems o Redundant Components Classes of Serverâ Machines o Micro/Server o Supersavers o Database Machines †¢ Server Environment †¢ Networkâ Management Environment o Distributed Management Environment o Object Management Architecture o UI-Atlas †¢ Networking Computing Environment o Distributed Computing Environment o Open Network Computing †¢ Network Operating System †¢ Server Requirements †¢ Platform Independence †¢ Transaction Processing o Two-Phase Commits o Transaction Logs †¢ Connectivity o Remote Procedure Calls †¢ Server Data Management and Access Tools o Data Manager Features ? Standard SQL Access ? Conveyed Database Architecture.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Topic Of Assignment Is In Assignment Criteria Because Here Is Not

Topic Of Assignment Is In Assignment Criteria Because Here Is Not Topic Of Assignment Is In Assignment Criteria Because Here Is Not Enough Place â€" Assignment Example > AbstractThis paper uses AP-Moller Maersk Group to show how through good strategic management planning can move a company from small size to a multinational company. AP-Moller Maersk Group is a company that started as family business using one ship and today has been able to place itself at the top of the world’s leading shipping company today carrying out various forms of intermodal transportation. The paper goes on to stress how important intermodal transportation can be beneficial not only to the company, but to the whole economy of the country and at an international level. IntroductionEven though considered as the world carrier of goods around the world, with an estimated 90% of goods being transported by sea, the shipping industry is still widely perceived as one of the most complex industries with ever changing conditions governing the industry. Its services are the most homogeneous making it a perfectly competitive market. The industry has also over the years witnessed so me technical changes all due to the ever increasing level of world trade since the 1960’s, with an estimated 12,056btm of cargo being transported by sea in the 1990’s as compared to 31btm of cargo transported by air and some 3,853btm by rail in same year (Martin, 2005, p. 8). The peak of the problem arose when it became abundantly clear to the industry observers that the traditional “break bulk” shipping will not be able to carry around the world the increasing cargo while performing their duties of safe delivery of the cargo. This therefore led to the palletization and containerization as a means to resolve the problems. At the same time, a revolution took place whereby, there was the increasing need for the use of bigger ships as it was realised that this could lead to a great reduction of shipping costs since industries increasingly preferred using ships than to the old rail and road methods. From 1945 to 1995, oil tankers increased by size of almost twenty times while dry bulk vessels became almost some fifteen times bigger. With this increase in ship sizes, the industry benefited from a great advantage due to reduction in cost to carry around their raw materials (e. g. this led to the cost of transporting coal by sea from Virginia to Jacksonville, Florida almost three times cheaper than by rail) (Chrzanowski, 1985). This paper will use AP-Moller Maersk as case study to show how the company applies the intermodal mode of transport. AP- Møller Maersk CompanyThe A. P. Møller - Maersk Group is a worldwide conglomerate operating in some 130 countries with a workforce of some 115,000 employees. The A. P. Moller - Maersk Group is one of the world’s largest shipping companies, and also involved in a wide range of activities in the energy, logistics, retail and manufacturing industries. The company started in April 1904 when A. P. Møller together with his father, Captain Peter Mærsk Møller, established A/S Dampskibsselskabet Svendborg (the Steam ship Company Svendborg) and bought a second-hand vessel, which was renamed SVENDBORG. The company had its first office in A. P. Møller’s childhood home “Villa Anna” in Svendborg.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

7 Facts About Bacteriophages

Bacteriophages are bacteria eaters in that they are viruses that infect and destroy bacteria. Sometimes called phages, these microscopic organisms are ubiquitous in nature. In addition to infecting bacteria, bacteriophages also infect other microscopic prokaryotes known as archaea. This infection is specific to a specific species of bacteria or archaea. A phage that infects E. coli for instance, will not infect anthrax bacteria. Since bacteriophages do not infect human cells, they have been used in medical therapies to treat bacterial diseases. Bacteriophages have three main structure types. Since bacteriophages are viruses, they consist of a nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) enclosed within a protein shell or capsid. A bacteriophage may also have a protein tail attached to the capsid with tail fibers extending from the tail. The tail fibers help the phage attach to its host and the tail helps to inject the viral genes into the host. A bacteriophage may exist as: viral genes in a capsid head with no tailviral genes in  a capsid head with a taila filamentous or rod-shaped capsid with circular single-stranded DNA. Bacteriophages pack their genome How do viruses fit their voluminous genetic material into their capsids? RNA bacteriophages, plant viruses, and animal viruses have a self-folding mechanism that enables the viral genome to fit within the capsid container. It appears that only viral RNA genome have this self-folding mechanism. DNA viruses fit their genome into the capsid with the help of special enzymes known as packing enzymes. Bacteriophages have two life cycles Bacteriophages are capable of reproducing by either the lysogenic or lytic life cycles. The lysogenic cycle is also known as the temperate cycle because the host is not killed. The virus injects its genes into the bacterium and the viral genes are inserted into the bacterial chromosome. In the bacteriophage lytic cycle, the virus replicates within the host. The host is killed when the newly replicated viruses break open or lyse the host cell and are released. Bacteriophages transfer genes between bacteria Bacteriophages help to transfer genes between bacteria by means of genetic recombination. This type of gene transfer is known as transduction. Transduction can be accomplished through either the lytic or lysogenic cycle. In the lytic cycle, for example, the phage injects its DNA into a bacterium and enzymes separate the bacterial DNA into pieces. The phage genes direct the bacterium to produce more viral genes and viral components (capsids, tail, etc.). As the new viruses begin to assemble, bacterial DNA may inadvertently become enclosed within a viral capsid. In this case, the phage possesses bacterial DNA instead of viral DNA. When this phage infects another bacterium, it injects the DNA from the previous bacterium into the host cell. The donor bacterial DNA then may become inserted into the genome of the newly infected bacterium by recombination. As a result, the genes from one bacterium are transferred to another. Bacteriophages can make bacteria harmful to humans Bacteriophages play a role in human disease by turning some harmless bacteria into agents of disease. Some bacteria species including E. coli, Streptococcus pyogenes (causes flesh-eating disease), Vibrio cholerae (causes cholera), and Shigella (causes dysentery) become harmful when genes that produce toxic substances are transferred to them via bacteriophages. These bacteria are then able to infect humans and cause food poisoning and other deadly diseases. Bacteriophages are being used to target superbugs Scientists have isolated bacteriophages that destroy the superbug Clostridium difficile (C. diff). C. diff typically affects the digestive system causing diarrhea and colitis. Treating this type of infection with bacteriophages provides a way to preserve the good gut bacteria while destroying only the C. diff germs. Bacteriophages are seen as a good alternative to antibiotics. Due to antibiotic overuse, resistant strains of bacteria are becoming more common. Bacteriophages are also being used to destroy other superbugs including drug-resistant E. coli and MRSA. Bacteriophages play a significant role in the world's carbon cycle Bacteriophages are the most abundant virus in the ocean. Phages known as Pelagiphages infect and destroy SAR11 bacteria. These bacteria convert dissolved carbon molecules into carbon dioxide and influence the amount of available atmospheric carbon. Pelagiphages play an important role in the carbon cycle by destroying SAR11 bacteria, which proliferate at a high rate and are very good at adapting to avoid infection. Pelagiphages keep SAR11 bacteria numbers in check, ensuring that there is not an overabundance of global carbon dioxide production. Sources: Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online, s. v. bacteriophage, accessed October 07, 2015, School of Veterinary Science. Viruses Can Turn Harmless E. Coli Dangerous. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 April 2009. of Leicester. Bacteria-eating viruses magic bullets in the war on superbugs. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 October 2013. State University. A war without end, with Earths carbon cycle held in the balance. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 February 2013.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Program Follower Act Essay - 891 Words

For quite a while going before the World Trade Center strikes, Brian Michael (the delegate head of Crisis Organization from the year 1989 to 1998) expected a surprising part flight security. Since that scene, Brian has been in the bleeding edge in working up the program Follower Act, which reduced the peril of the security in America. The Soviet military risk to America after World War II was magnificent to be created for political and cash related purposes of premium. The contemplate presentation of the Cold War was effective in making government approach with an outrageous objective to have an unprecedented including of all the national talk on perils and media control. The guideline conviction framework and key support of these two†¦show more content†¦Focal rearmament choices were made, however a little while later the U.S. government never endeavored to satisfy more than secure just old news new. Supporter Act, regardless, consider as a convincing weapon given to law require affiliations while ensuring flexibility security, and integrity of American nationals. The Supporter Show gives capable gadgets to fight fear. Likewise, it disengages the divider worked among understanding and law support affiliations using available current headway. The battle against dread must be made by utilizing military means and furthermore all grabbing get-together whats more law execution work environments ought to organize and encourage with each other to react and keep up a key separation from fear monger acts. Generally, protection and probability of American tenants was a top need secluded and the national security. Law usage is furnished with present day and refined sorts of advance to look at and fight against mental attacker and a central court configuration design had been executed if there ought to build up an event of dread monger related operation. As appeared by the Loyalist Presentat ion, honest to goodness demands had been proposed to the general open who do mental oppressor wrongdoings or are associated with such at hazard get-togethers. The Amassed States and the Soviet Union additionally endeavored to battleShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Personal Model of Leadership1298 Words   |  6 Pagesexplore why leadership is important to organizations, society and this author. A Personal Model of Leadership Servant leadership was a term that was first used by Keifner Greenleaf(1970) in his first essay, The Servant as Leader (as cited by Crippen, C., 2005). 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The Kite Runner Journal Responses Free Essays

Journal Responses 11/2/12 The passage â€Å"†¦ they in turn opened into an extension of the driveway into my father’s estate† uses a key word in the phrase, â€Å"estate†. Some synonyms of the word estate are; land, park, parkland, manor. The connotation we could make is that the author used this word to sound elegant and give the Hassan’s family a rich outlook on what they are compared to other families in afghan. We will write a custom essay sample on The Kite Runner Journal Responses or any similar topic only for you Order Now The passage â€Å"†¦ a new and affluent neighborhood in the northern part of Kabul. Some thought it was the prettiest house in all of Kabul. Can present how Amir and his father are very proud of themselves. The author wanted to show that Amir and his father were one of the richer and wealthier in the city. He may also wanted to show that they stand out from the rest of the people of the city. Therefore Amir and his Father are characterized as the upper class of Kabul. â€Å"you! The hazara! † what I further remember from the movie afghan star is that all the ethnic groups were fighting back where they were from. But all of the 4 different ethnics singing it had seemed to bring them together in a sense of unity. Yes, The Hazaras are disrespected more than the other ethnic groups. This is almost like them picking on the most weakest person which in this case is hazara. The passage â€Å"†¦ they in turn opened into an extension of the driveway into my father’s estate† uses a key word in the phrase, â€Å"estate†. Some synonyms of the word estate are; land, park, parkland, manor. The connotation we could make is that the author used this word to sound elegant and give the Hassan’s family a rich outlook on what they are compared to other families in afghan. Eric Richardson Ms. Pierce Journal Responses 11/2/12 Chapter four response. Why doesn’t Amir accept Hassan as a good friend? What doesn’t make sense to me is why does Hassan do all this stiff for Amir and not get anything in return even tho he is always there for him. For example when Hassan read Amir a story then he asked a question, when Amir was thinking about something mean to say about Hassan being a hazara. Amir doesn’t seem to have respect for anyone and I think it will come back to haunt him. How to cite The Kite Runner Journal Responses, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Role Of Religion Dr. Faustus Essays - Deal With The Devil

Role Of Religion Dr. Faustus Religion in the Legend of Dr. Faust Brad Showmaker FMS 107w 1 March 2001 Dr. Faust is a legend from the sixteenth century that tells the tale of a man that sells his sole to the devil for non-human powers. This legend is influenced by the time that it was written. During the sixteenth century religion had a large role on the society. It had affected everything from Government to everyday life for people. This story was set in the area of Europe. Which had a heavily religious influence. The Faust legend employs the notion of black magic and sorcery. This was often related to the devils work in this time due to the role of religion in society. To add to the beliefs or disbeliefs there were many tragic occurrences going on at the time like the Black plague and war and the small movement away from religion that many feel was brought on by the devil. During times of hardship many people turn to religion to help them get thought the ruff times or they push away from it in wonder why the lord could do such tragic things. Never the less the stories reach both side of the spectrum. If the people believed in the lord heavily they could put the legend in the perspective that this effect of the devil taking the weak but temptations of power that are not humanly possible. On the other hand if you feel that times are hard and you wonder why things happen to good people that follow the lord it can show how someone would fall for the devils deeds. Depression and sadness are considered during this time to be weakness that the devil tends to pick up on hoping to gather the person up to do his dirty work. During this time era writers would write stories or plays with the influence of the society in their works. So this would cause religion to be a large part of this story. In two different interpretations of the legend of Dr. Faust Christopher Marlowe and Goethe both have heavy influences of religion in their plays even thought they have differences. Christopher Marlowes, Dr. Faustus Christopher Marlowe was a well-educated man with a degree in divinity much like his story of Dr. Faustus. Which I feel gave him insight to be able to write the play. Not only did he have the degree in divinity he was thought to be an Atheist, which in this era was thought to be the work of the devil. His beliefs did not follow the norm for religion. This ended up being the cause for what many today argue was the cause of his death and that it was faked. In Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus the main character struggles with the lack of knowledge that he thinks he has, as well, the effect of all the deaths that were caused by the plaque. This troubled Dr. Faustus because he felt at one time that he had the knowledge that he could come to a medicine that would have saved the people from death. He seems to think that he has failed and has convinced himself that he has not knowledge and that he will never gain the kind of knowledge that he dreams of. Here he is weakened into turning to black magic and hoping that it will give him the knowledge that he seeks. This causes the a evil spirit named Mephostophilisto appear and try to encourage Dr. Faustus to give him twenty-four years for the powers that Dr. Faustus seeks, even thought Mephostophisto refuses to tell him the secrets of the creator the lord. The whole idea of trading his sole form powers is a concept that is introduced in the bible. In Matthews Gospel the devil offers Christ a d eal were the devil would give him all of the kingdoms in return for his suffering after death. This is the whole plot behind the story of Christopher Marlowes Dr. Faustus. Influences of religion are also shown in sodality by the fact that part of the acts happen during Easter and the resurrection which in turn brings us back to the concept of the influence

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Destructiveness of War essays

Destructiveness of War essays Vonneguts Illustration of Destructiveness of War Slaughterhouse-Five was written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. in 1953. Whether the book is an antiwar novel or a science fiction novel is ambiguous, but after writing this book, Vonnegut insists that it was a failure. Failure it is not according to many critics. Rather than just writing an anti-war/science fiction novel, Vonnegut wrote a tale of the trials and tribulations resulting from the complete and utter destruction of Dresden during World War II. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut develops the protagonist, Billy Pilgrim along with utilizing science fiction and satire to demonstrate the destructiveness of war. Vonnegut uses satire and fiction to ironically display the destructiveness of war. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut comes at last in direct confrontation with his Dresden experience (Keogh and Kislatis 172). John Somer adds, It took him twenty three years to write his lousy little book (222). In fact, because Vonnegut found it so difficult to write about the bombing of Dresden, He comments on the reality of Dresden by treating the problems as fiction (Giannone 83). One critic establishes that Vonnegut enjoys playing with fiction, using it to represent truth or reality (Meeter 208-209). Glenn Meeter adds that Billy alone is a separate version of the role of fiction in the novel by describing his space adventures and time warps (210-211). Billys character is satirical in itself, for he is a weak and feeble man, not fit to fight a war. Ironically, J.G. Keogh and Edward Kislastis agree, At the core of the characterization of Billy Pilgrim is the conception of war as a childrens crusade (182). Vonnegut introduces Edgar Derby to further strengthen the ills of war: I think the climax of the book will be the execution of poor old Edgar Derby...The irony is so great. A whole city gets burned down, and thousands and thou...

Monday, March 2, 2020

A Schools Website Makes an Important First Impression

A Schools Website Makes an Important First Impression Before a parent or student physically sets a foot into a school building,  there is an opportunity for  a virtual visit. That virtual visit takes place through a schools website, and the information that is available on this website makes an important first impression. That first impression is an opportunity to highlight the schools best qualities and to show how welcoming the school community is to all stakeholders-parents, students, educators, and community members. Once this positive impression is made, the website can  provide a wide variety of information, from posting an exam schedule to announcing an early dismissal because of inclement weather.  The website can also effectively communicate the schools vision and mission, the qualities, and the offerings to each of these stakeholders. In effect, the school website presents the personality of the school. What Goes on the Website Most school websites have the following basic information: Calendars for school activities, school schedules, and bus schedules;  Policy statements (ex: dress code, Internet use, attendance);School news on individual student achievements or group achievements;Information on the school learning activities including academic requirements, course descriptions, and prerequisite course work;Information on school extra-curricular activities (ex: clubs and athletic program);Links to teacher web pages and also staff and faculty contact information; Some websites may also provide additional information including: Links to organizations or websites outside the school that support the schools academic program (ex: College Board-Khan Academy)Links to software that  contain student data  (Naviance,  Powerschool, Google Classroom)Links to forms (ex: permission slips, course registration, attendance waivers, transcript requests, free and reduced lunch) that can reduce the  costly reproduction of paper copies;Board of Education resources such as contact information for board members, minutes of meetings, agendas, and meeting schedules;District policies, such as those policies on data privacy;Photos of students and faculty;A forum or discussion page for  teachers, administrators, students, and parents to exchange information such as news and calendars of events;Links to school social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Information placed on the school website will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Therefore, all the information on the school website must be timely and accurate. Dated material should be removed or archived. In real time information will provide stakeholders confidence in the information posted.  Up to date information  is particularly important for teacher websites that list assignments or homework for students and parents to see. Who Has Responsibility for the School Website? Every school website must be a reliable source of information that is communicated clearly and accurately. That task is usually assigned to a schools Information Technology or IT Department. This department is often organized at the district level with each school having a  webmaster for the school website. There are a number of school website design businesses that can provide the basic platform and customize the site according to a schools need. Some of these include Finalsite, BlueFountainMedia,  BigDrop, and SchoolMessenger. Design companies generally provide the initial training and support on maintaining the school website. When an IT Department is not available, some schools ask a faculty or staff member who is particularly technologically savvy, or who works in their computer science department, to  update their websites for them.  Unfortunately, building and maintaining a website is a  large task that can take  several hours a week. In such cases, a more collaborative approach of assigning responsibility for sections of the website might be more manageable. Another approach is to use the website as a part of the school curriculum where students are given the task of developing and maintaining  portions of the website. This  innovative approach benefits both the students who learn to work collaboratively in an authentic and on-going project as well as educators who can become more familiar with the technologies involved. Whatever the process for maintaining the school website, the ultimate responsibility for all content must lie with one  district administrator.   Navigating the School Website Possibly the most important consideration in designing the school website is the navigation. The navigation design of a school website is particularly important because of the number and variety of pages that may be offered to users of all ages, including those who may be unfamiliar with websites entirely. Good navigation  on a school website should include a navigation bar, clearly defined tabs, or labels that clearly differentiate the pages of the website. Parents, educators, students, and community members should be able to travel throughout the entire website regardless of the level of  proficiency with websites.   Particular attention should be given to encouraging parents to use the school website. That encouragement might include training  or demonstrations for parents during school open houses or parent-teacher meeting. Schools could even offer technology training for parents  after school or on special evening activity nights. Whether it is someone 1500 miles away, or a parent living down the road, everyone is afforded the same opportunity to see the schools website online.  Administrators and faculty should see school website as the front door of the school, an opportunity to welcome all virtual visitors and make them feel comfortable in order to make that great first impression. Final Recommendations There are reasons to make the school website as attractive and professional as possible. While a private school may be looking to attract students through a website, both public and private school administrators may be seeking to attract high-quality staff who can drive achievement results. Businesses in the community may want to reference a schools website in order to attract or expand economic interests. Taxpayers in the community may see a well-designed website as a sign that the school system is also well-designed.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Images of the Art and Science of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Images of the Art and Science of Nursing - Essay Example 1). Nursing as a science involves the scientific and theoretical explanation of certain phenomena. It observes, identifies, describes, and experiments on issues affecting the delivery of health. On the other hand, nursing as an art is the humanistic and creative application of the result of science. Basavanthappa (2004) identified that the art of clinical nursing is directed into four main goals: (1) understanding the patient’s condition, situation, or need, (2) enhancement of patient’s capability, (3) improvement of patient’s condition following a medical plan, and (4) prevention of remission and exacerbations which may cause anxiety, disability, or stress (p. 1). Contemporary nursing has evolved to a learned discipline and profession that combines the science and art of caring. Nursing combines scientific body of knowledge derived from primitive beliefs to high technology era and humanistic caring. Nursing focuses on the client’s response to illness, pro motes health, and assists clients to move to a higher level of wellness. Nursing also provide care and assistance during a terminal illness by providing comfort and preserving dignity during the end-phase of life (White, 2005, p. 41). The development of nursing as a science and an art is traced through its rich history, array of visual images, and influence of social factors. Image Selection To further describe the art and science of nursing, six images were selected which depicted the historical and modern concept of the art and science of nursing. Among the images chosen are of Florence Nightingale, patient settings during Crimean War, nurse-patient ratio during early times, contemporary nurse-patient interaction, operating room scenario, and health informatics in nursing. The images are described below: A. Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) pioneered the concept of modern nursing. She was also credited for uplifting the standards of nursing and developing nursi ng as a science and an art. Nightingale persistently advocated cleanliness, good nutrition, and fresh air as well as the reform in health care (White, 2005, p. 44). During this time, nurses, care for the wounded around the clock with the oil lamps along them to light their way in the darkness. Similarly, this oil lamp represents Nightingale for she was able to give light to the darkness of caring and implemented scientific and artistic caring. Through Florence Nightingale’s principles, nursing practice and environmental modifications resulted in reduced morbidity and mortality rates during the war. (White, 2005, p. 44) She also worked to gain the public’s approval in producing well-educated nurses and for the concepts that were still used today such as a systematic method of assessing clients, individualized care based on the client’s need and preferences, and confidentiality (White, 2005, p. 45). Nightingale is one of the most outstanding figures that truly ill ustrated the foundation of scientific and artistic nursing. (Image retrieved from B. The Crimean War The outbreak of war in the Crimea, a peninsula on the north shore of the Black Sea from 1854 to 1856 marked the historical evolution of nursing practice and the birth of scientific and artistic nursing. War casualties outrageously increase and the British government became the consistent subject of national criticism. In light

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Strassfeld Shavuot Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strassfeld Shavuot - Assignment Example The most concrete expression of this imagery is the Sephardic writing of the ketubah between God and the Jewish people. The promises of the bridegroom are to remain loyal to the bride, and carry them in favor. They were to reciprocate this through his love. Because of the peoples’ eager attitude to receive Torah on the morning of Shavuot, people stayed up late at night. Even those who did not stay up arose early in the morning for the shaharit morning service. The rereading of the Ten Commandments in the morning of revelation to the Torah service over shaharit portrays the interest of the people to hear them. This is different from other events such as the Shabbat or the festival. A custom observed during the Shavuot is the shift from the norm culture of carrying the Torah scroll in procession around the synagogue. On this particular day, the scroll passes from one hand to another. Not until everyone touches the scroll, it cannot rest on the reading table. The depiction of God as the groom and the Israelites as the bride is a form of imagery that shows the actual relationship existing between God and people. The condition of a marriage is for the wife to remain loyal to the husband, who provides her with anything she requires. This in actual sense is what God does to people. His expectations are that people will respect the Ten Commandments, which is a symbol of union in the marriage. After they honor the commands, God then shows unwavering love to His people. Just like a wedding scene, full of romantic moments and events, God held Mount Sinai over the Israelites, thus creating the romantic moment in his wedding with the people of

Friday, January 24, 2020

And Then There Were None :: essays research papers

And Then There Were None I did my book critique on And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie was born on September 5, 1890, in Torquay England. In 1914 she married Colonel Archibald Christie. They had one daughter, whose name was Rosalind, and then they divorced in 1928. She started writing in 1920, and her first book published was The Mysterious Affair at Styles. She wrote And Then There Were None in 1939. Agatha Christie has become one of the most famous writer of mystery novels. And Then There Were None is a murder mystery type book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And Then There Were None takes place on an island in the middle of the ocean, but it doesn’t say the years it takes place in.In And Then There Were None, eight people who do not know each other were all invited to an island off of the English coast. The eight people are Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, William Blore, Dr. Armstrong, Emily Brent, General Macarthur, Tony Marston, and Judge Wargrave. They all think they are going to the island for different reasons. When they arrive at the island they are greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, but the host is Mr. Owens (but he isn’t there). After they eat dinner they go into a different room and a recorded voice accuses each of them committing a murder that was never uncovered. Later that night Tony Martson dies from poisoned whiskey. The next morning Mrs. Rogers died in her sleep. That day General Macarthur goes out to the ocean and is killed there. After General Macarthur dies each of the guests think that the killer is one of each of them. The next day, Mr. Rogers is killed while chopping wood while preparing for breakfast. On the dining room table there were ten Indian figures, but after a person is killed one disappears each time. After breakfast Emily Brent is killed because someone injected poison into her neck. Later Judge Wargrave was found with a shot in his head. The next day when Blore is walking back to the house someone pushes a statue out of the second story, and it lands on Blore, killing him. When Vera and Lombard go looking for Blore, they find Armstrong’s drowned body on the beach. Since only Vera and Lombard are left, Vera thinks Lombard is the killer, and takes his gun and shoots him.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Psychological Look Inside the Movie ‘Good Will Hunting’ Essay

In the film, Good Will Hunting, main character Will Hunting is a troubled young man from a poor neighborhood in south Boston. Following a youth of abusive foster care experiences and only himself left to trust, Hunting leads a life of self-sufficiency becoming a witty sharp shooter. A seemingly independent individual working as a janitor in renowned local university, MIT, he spends his downtime with a select group of buddies he considers family or isolated reading volumes of old novels and textbooks. Upon being found as the secret sleuth to a graduate level mathematics problem, MIT professor Gerald Lambeau seeks out the janitor, Hunting, in efforts to engage his mind and make him an apprentice. As the plot twists, an earlier issue lands Hunting facing jail time for assaulting an officer during a fight in his neighborhood. With knowledge of this, Prof. Lambeau uses his university standing and professional name to allow a proposition to be offered to Hunting that Lambeau believes to be mutually beneficial: Hunting is freed from jail time under the stipulations that he works with Lambeau academically and sees a therapist for counseling purposes, simultaneously. Initially standoffish, Hunting doesn’t seem interested, meanwhile a recent new love interest sways his thinking and he accepts Prof. Lambeau and the courts offer. While there seem to be a few dilemmas listed above, including the professors initial interest in offering a lessened jail sentence for his potential protà ©gà ©, the intent of his proposal was not for sole self-interest if the viewer understands his point of view and life experience. In his opinion, what person could possibly turn down an opportunity to work directly with an MIT professor and for free? For the purposes of this paper, the ethical dilemma discussed is what happens next in the plot of Good Will Hunting, and that is when Will (who burns through multiple therapists before connecting with one) and his eventual Psychologist, Sean Maguire begin working together. Two major occurrences happen, one is that in an early meeting between the two, Hunting begins to ‘test’ Maguire in efforts to make him lose his temper and it works. By discussing a painting in Maguire’s office that holds emotional value, Hunting is able to prod the weak areas of Maguire’s past and after he could no longer take it, he became irate and physically restrained Hunting by the throat. To quickly go over this and how it relates to the American  Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, this seemingly obvious violation is of course beyond all measures of intentions of helping but is also cited in Standard 3: Human Relations (APA Code of Ethics, 2014) in 3.04 Avoiding Harm: â€Å"Psychologists take reasonable steps to avoid harming their clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients and other with whom they work, and minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable.† In order to avoid such a situation, beyond the realm of Hollywood dramatization, a simple separation of the two people (professional and patient/client) to collect thoughts, breathe and reevaluate the circumstances would have been an appropriate alternative to physical contact. A separate yet major occurrence of ethical standards in the film involves the follow through of professional service to Hunti ng by Maguire as he deemed necessary when the role of Prof. Lambeau intended cessation of therapy so he could carry out his own prerogative. Maguire positively maintained the five foundational general principles as found in the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence – â€Å"†¦seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility – â€Å"†¦concerned about the ethical compliance of their colleagues’ scientific and professional conduct†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Principle C: Integrity – â€Å"†¦strive to keep their promises and to avoid unwise or unclear commitments†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Principle D: Justice – â€Å"†¦exercise reasonable judgment and take precautions to ensure that their potential biases, the boundaries of their competence and the limitations of their expertise do not lead to or condone unjust practices.† Principle E: Respe ct for People’s Rights and Dignity – â€Å"†¦respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination.†

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Armistice Day Quotes

Armistice Day or Remembrance Day is a day to honor the service of military personnel during the First World War. On November 11, 1918, the Allied Forces and Germany signed the armistice agreement for the cessation of war. After the Second World War, November 11 is celebrated as Armistice or Remembrance Day in the British Commonwealth of Nations and as Veterans Day in the US. In the US, Armistice Day was renamed to Veterans Day in 1954, at the end of the Korean War. It was instituted to honor all war veterans, living and martyred. On this day, military personnel and their families enjoy special treats, discounts, and perks from military and non-military establishments. Today, Armistice Day is a national holiday in Commonwealth Nations, and countries outside the Commonwealth such as France, Germany, and Belgium. Government s recognize the contribution of war veterans, who displayed courage and patriotism in the face of danger. Soldiers are honored with medals, certificates, and prizes. Grand parades, marching bands, and other military ceremonies mark the holiday, building the spirit of patriotism and brotherhood. General Omar N. Bradley Armistice Day is a constant reminder that we won a war and lost a peace. Blaise Pascal We must kill them in war, just because they live beyond the river. If they lived on this side, we would be called murderers. Chris Taylor, Platoon I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy; we fought ourselves. The enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days. Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions Armistice Day has become Veterans Day. Armistice Day was sacred. Veterans Day is not. So I will throw Veterans Day over my shoulder. Armistice Day I will keep. I dont want to throw away any sacred things. General William Tecumseh Sherman I confess without shame that I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded, who cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is Hell. Francis Marion Crawford They fell, but oer their glorious grave Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save. Will Rogers We cant all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. James A. Hetley She mourned with a bleak blank determination, marching straight ahead with a shell-shocked vets hollow-eyed thousand-yard stare while doing the next thing and the next. Joseph Campbell As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. Elmer Davis This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Thomas Dunn English But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for, Is their monument to-day, and for aye. Jimmy Carter War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children. Gen. Jack D. Ripper, Dr. Strangelove War is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. Carol Lynn Pearson Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.