Saturday, August 22, 2020

Client Server Computing free essay sample

Customer/server is a dispersed figuring model in which customer applications demand administrations from server procedures and Servers get those solicitations and perform activities, for example, database inquiries and understanding records. o Application Tasks ? UI ? Introduction rationale ? Application rationale ? Information uprightness o Rightsizing ? Scaling back ? Upsizing ? Smartsizing †¢ Benefits of Client/Server Computing o Dollar Savings o Increased Productivity o Flexibility and Scalability o Resource Utilization Centralized Control o Open Systems †¢ Evolution of Client/Server Computing o Hardware Trends ? Force ? Chips ? Memory o Software Trends ? Social Databases ? GUIs ? Multithreaded Processing ? Proceeding with Evolution †¢ Evolution of Operating Systems †¢ Networking Trends †¢ Business Considerations †¢ Overview of Client/Server Applications o Components of Client/Server Applications ? The Client ? The Server ? The Network †¢ Classes of Client/Server Applications o Host-Based Processing o Client-Based Processing o Cooperative Processing †¢ Categories of Client/Server Applications o Office Systems o Front-Ends to Existing Systems Database Access o Transaction-Processing Applications UNIT 2 Client/Server Operating Systems †¢ Dispelling the Myths o Client/Server Computing is Easily Implemented o Current Desktop Machines Are Sufficient o Minimal Training Is Required o All Data Areâ Relational o Development Time Is Shorter †¢ Obstacles-Upfront and Hidden o Costs o Mixed Platforms o Maintenance o Reliability o Restructuring Corporate Architecture †¢ Open Systems and Standards o Standards Areas o Existing Standards o Open Systems †¢ Standards-Setting Organizations o Open Software Foundation o UNIX International o X/Open o Object Management Group o SQL Access Group Factors for Success o Internetworking o Interoperability o Compatible Environments o Perceived Benefits UNIT 3 The Client †¢ Client Hardware and Software †¢ Client Components o Client Hardware o Client Software o Interface Environments †¢ Client Operating Systems o DOS with Windows 3. We will compose a custom article test on Customer Server Computing or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page x o OS/2 o UNIX-Based †¢ What is a GUI? o Screen Characteristics o Event Driven o Native API †¢ X Window versus Windowing o X Window GUIs o Windowing GUIs o Other Environments †¢ Database Access o SQL Interface o Extended SQL †¢ Application Logic o Generated Application Logic o Customized Application Logic †¢ Client Software Products o GUI Environments Windows 3. x ? Introduction Manager ? Theme ? Open Look o Converting 3270/5250 Screens o Database Access Tools †¢ Client Requirements o GUI Design Standards o Open GUI Standards o Interface Independence o Testing Interfaces o Development Aids ? Savvy GUI interfaces ? Keen SQL Interfaces ? Information Dictionaries and Repositories ? Brilliant OLTP Interfaces UNIT 4 The Server †¢ Server Hardware †¢ Benchmarks †¢ Categories of Servers o File Server o Application Server o Data Server o Compute Server o Database Server o Communication Server †¢ Features of Server Machines o Multiprocessing o Multithreading o Memory Subsystems o Redundant Components Classes of Serverâ Machines o Micro/Server o Supersavers o Database Machines †¢ Server Environment †¢ Networkâ Management Environment o Distributed Management Environment o Object Management Architecture o UI-Atlas †¢ Networking Computing Environment o Distributed Computing Environment o Open Network Computing †¢ Network Operating System †¢ Server Requirements †¢ Platform Independence †¢ Transaction Processing o Two-Phase Commits o Transaction Logs †¢ Connectivity o Remote Procedure Calls †¢ Server Data Management and Access Tools o Data Manager Features ? Standard SQL Access ? Conveyed Database Architecture.

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