Monday, December 23, 2019

My Passion The Duo Of Family And Medicine Essay - 853 Words

â€Å"My passion: the duo of family and medicine†. â€Å"A profession that complements one’s passion is a way of life†. This is my philosophy. I was introduced to the world of medicine through my father. He suffered from severe asthma and got treatment from a nearby primary health center. I always saw him leaving the consultation room with the symptoms alleviated. As an innocent child, I thought of doctors as magicians who cured the patients in the blink of an eye. My childhood curiosity molded me to who I am today; â€Å"a Medical Doctor†. Medical school taught me that doctors were not magicians, but equipment of God. I always strived to follow my medical school’s motto â€Å"Service with Love†. During the clinical rotations, I noticed that the knowledge I gained by spending time with patients was much more than what I had learned from books and lectures. Voluntary participation in a series of health fairs and medical camps in rural areas drew my attention towards primary care. One incident that touched by heart was the death of my uncle. I was very close to him as he was the one who inspired me to chase my dreams. While I was in the final year of medical school, my uncle complained about some vague abdominal discomforts. I was concerned and suggested consulting his family doctor as it has been a while since he had seen him. My uncle did not realize the seriousness of the issue and delayed the consultation. I saw him at a family gathering and decided to examine him myself. I was shocked andShow MoreRelate dEssay on Smoke Signals by Sherman Alexie2621 Words   |  11 Pagesforgive his father, who left the family when Victor was a young boy. Victor’s father, Arnold Joseph, saved both of the boys from a fire that he inadvertently caused on the 4th of July when the boys were mere babies. Although the boys were saved, Thomas’s parents both died in the blaze. Since then, Arnold Joseph has carried the guilt of what he has done silently, using alcohol to try and bury the memory. As the years progress Arnold Joseph begins abusing his family, which finally leads to his wifeRead Moreâ€Å"My Passion Has Been To Build An Enduring Company Where1752 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"My passion has been to build an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products. Everything else was secondary†, said Steve Jobs towards the end of his life during an interview, with the author of â€Å"Steve Jobs† Walter Isaacson, when asked how he hoped his legacy would be remembered (567). From the beginning of life to the end of life, Steve Jobs would be going through a constant battle for perfection. This was not only exemplified through his products, like the Apple II to theRead MoreDistinctively Visual Learning and Teaching Program8860 Words   |  36 PagesColourType of image | Figurative languageImageryNarrative | Every lesson begins with reading the novel.The Composer’s Context: Peter Goldsworthy grew up in various Australian country towns, finishing his schooling in Darwin. After graduating in medicine from the University of Adelaide in 1974, he worked for many years in alcohol and drug rehabilitation. Since then, he has divided his time equally between writing and general practice. He has won major literary awards across a range of genres: poetryRead MoreEssay on Fall of Asclepius95354 Words   |  382 Pageshumanity. If you said to me a year before the outbreak that this would happen, I would send you to a mental asylum. I guess the joke is on me, so to speak. I wasnt, what some would say, a confident person. I would just follow others and just do my job. The outbreak changed all that. It changed everyone, especially me. Some people got stronger due to the outbreak. Some became weaker. Being leader of the survivors? This idea would be absurd to me before the outbreak. I never wanted to be a leaderRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work

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