Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Steve Jobs And Its Impact On The World - 2190 Words

The world was introduced with innovation and futuristic ideas by Steve jobs and he is a well reputed innovator all over the world. The Life of Steve jobs was full of his creativity and ideas towards the digital world. The ideas are perceived as good and bad by many people in the world but still the world is using the blessings of this great creator. Many people argue that Steve was not an intellectual person but yet they use his innovations and promote them as the most innovative one. â€Å"Steve Jobs was an intellectual; person and his innovations for digital world are the speaker of his intellectuality.† Steve Jobs vision of a computer for the rest of us flashed the PC revolution and made Apple an icon of American business. But some people†¦show more content†¦Inspired by Jobs, Hewlett gave him the parts, as well as offered him a mid-year entry level position at Hewlett-Packard. It was there that Jobs met and become friends with Steve Wozanaik, a youthful designer five years his senior with an affinity for tinkering. After graduating from high school, Jobs enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Ore. but dropped out after one semester. (Staff) He had become fascinated by Eastern spiritualism and took a part-time job designing video games for Atari in order to finance a trip to India to study Eastern culture and religion. At the point when Jobs came back to the U.S., he recharged his kinship with Wozniak, who had been attempting to fabricate a little PC. To Wozniak, it was only a pastime; however the visionary Jobs got a handle on the promoting capability of such a gadget and persuaded Wozniak to start a new business with him. In 1975, the 20-year-old Jobs and Wozniak set up shop in Jobs guardians carport, named the endeavor Apple, and started chipping away at the model of the Apple I. (traits, 2015) To create the $1,350 in capital they used to begin Apple, Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen microbus, and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard number cruncher. Although the Apple I sold mainly to hobbyists, it generated enough cash to enable Jobs and Wozniak to improve and refine their design. In 1977, they introduced the Apple II -- the first personal computer with color graphics and a keyboard. Designed for beginners the

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